Monday, September 29, 2014

Info From The Vine- 7 Secrets To Win With Crowdfunding

It's a cool Monday here on Florida's Gulf Coast, which is a great way to re-introduce the most successful Crowdfunding campaign ever- the "Coolest Cooler", the largest funded campaign on Kickstarter. This campaign featured the feature-laden, blender-centric, electronic-supported beach cooler discussed in a prior blog note (Cooler), a campaign that failed the first time, but raised $10.3 on the second attempt. interviewed Ryan Grepp, the inventor and detailed his 7 secrets to a running a "killer" crowdfunding campaign:

1.  Have a prototype available for photos.
2.  Short, customer-focused video.
3.  Think about Product's timing.
4.  Talk about your crowdfunding campaign before it launches.
5.   Go all-out on the social media that works best for you.
6.   Market!
7.   Failure does not mean "game over".

SignVine is a niche/specialty crowdfunding service, but still this advice applies directly. Of course you may not have a prototype of your LED sign available but you have drawings and plans- use them on your webpage.

Crowdfunding works and the Sign Industry needs this tool. Call or send an email today to discuss your non-profit organization's needs.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine

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