Monday, September 22, 2014

Info From The Vine- Nonprofits, A Large Customer Percentage

Crowdfunding is the process of raising funds online at a specialized website that tells the story for the cause, product or ideal. The website also captures the donation and forwards the proceeds when the campaign's time limit is reached.

SignVine is specialized crowdfunding for the Sign Industry that helps deserving non-profits purchase message signs.

In the Sign Industry there is a huge audience of prime candidates for this type of service- schools, fire departments, churches, chambers of commerce, clubs and civic organizations. Without knowing an exact percentage of sales this non-profit segment represents for the sign industry, it’s fair to say that it’s “large, active and dynamic”.

If crowdfunding is not considered as a method to help obtain a message sign for the non-profit then what do they do?

      1)      Use on-hand funds,
      2)      Obtain financing,
      3)      Conventional fund raising campaign,
      4)      Save for a future purchase,
      5)      Give up and continue to be under-represented in the community.

Non-profits are an important part of the sign industry. Explain their options, but remember to add the “Crowdfunding” option to the list- it might be just what the proverbial Sign Doctor ordered!

We help non-profits, sign dealers and the sign industry with our online campaigns. Call today- 844-807-9720.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 

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