Friday, September 26, 2014

Info From The Vine: "Pump Up" With 5 Campaign Exercises

SignVine is a specialized crowdfunding service for the sign industry, helping non-profit organizations purchase message boards.

Crowdfunding works- there is no doubt about that. But crowdfunding is not a walk through a magic “money garden” where golden apples are harvested. Effort is required at the grass-roots level.

There are 5 behaviors that every crowdfunding campaign must do to ensure that funding goals are met.

  1.    Have a plan- simple or complex. Write it out and create a timeline. 

        2.    Divide the campaign funding goal into time specific goals- how many dollars per day, per week, per month, must be collected. Then keep score and adjust tactics and strategies as required.

        3.       Create a team of leaders. If you are the Athletic Director at a school and you are crowdfunding an LED display for the football stadium, you know the power of a team. Assign a dollar goal to each team.

        4.       Network, share, ask, implore, direct and encourage donors to visit the site and make a donation. Use all social media, the telephone and personal visits to encourage donations.

        5.       Have fun and celebrate the efforts of the campaign. You must not get mired down. Each new day is an opportunity to excel.

Approach a crowdfunding campaign with eyes wide open and promote it to “project status” within your organization. 

Remember “return is equal to investment” and crowdfunding is no exception!

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 

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