Monday, October 6, 2014

Info From The Vine: Year-End Giving Starts Now

When Should I start my Crowdfunding Campaign? 

Well, if you consider it right now, by the time your board of directors signs off on it, and the media is compiled and produced and uploaded it will be the Holiday Season.

Year-end giving, starts a lot earlier than you think and timing your crowdfunding project for a time when people are particularly generous, and loose with their money is smart.  The key is to not wait until December to start!

Actually,  the giving has already started, so delay can be deadly for your campaign. Many donations for the holiday season are starting right now. In 2013 Google did a study that “donation related” searches increased by 30 percent in August and September. People are looking for a way to give, donate, tithe, ante-up, however you wish to name it, RIGHT NOW.

Other studies have shown that 75% of donors research the non-profit online before making a donation. What if your non-profit's website directed visitors to the crowdfunding site and your SignVine campaign to purchase that LED sign? 

Do you think that might get that full-color display fully funded in time for the Christmas Festivities?

Remember you still have to order the display, and have it installed- there is no time to waste. Start today to capture excess holiday giving!

This blog post represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of SignVine or any other company or associated concern. If you are interested in sending me a question or have a comment, please send it to

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