Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Info From The Vine- Urgency and Call to Action

Crowdfunding, is the process of raising funds online for your cause, project or idea.

Crowdfunding campaigns play on 3 basic qualities of human nature. First they rely upon the inherent goodness and generosity of people. Second, they guide people to a facilitated conclusion with a “call to action” asking those “good people” to donate, to act.  Third, they use an urgency element, suggesting they donate and act, act now- overcoming human propensity for delay.

“Time and tide wait for no man,” is a quote by Geoffrey Chaucer.  If Mr. Chaucer was alive in the 21st Century he might have added the phrase “donation decisions” to his observation.

Trying to suggest a call to action should be simple- five words or less. Something such as “Don’t Wait, Donate Today” or “Donate Today, Stop Hunger Now!” Combine the words with a picture to make the point, tells them what to do. Many people require this push to type in the Visa card numbers.

There must be a sense of “now” associated with the campaign. Procrastination is the evil enemy of donation campaigns. Many crowdfunding sites limit the duration of the campaign to 60-90 days, putting pressure on the donors and the cause. Even if the donation site does not limit the campaign, the campaign should set a limit- 90 days is a long time for a simple campaign. 

Crowdfunding campaigns are like fresh caught tuna, use it today, don’t wait, it gets old and spoils quickly. Convincing your donors to “DIN” – Do It Now, is vital!

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine

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