Friday, September 5, 2014

Info From the Vine- Which Non-Profit Needs Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding, is the process of raising funds online for your cause, project or idea. SignVine is the crowdfunding solution designed specifically for the Sign Industry to assist non-profit organizations purchase message signs.

But which non-profit organization should consider using crowdfunding to help purchase a message sign?

     1.       Lacks on-hand funds to purchase a message sign. This is the obvious example. If a non-profit group lacks the funds why not crowdfund raise them?

     2.       Has the funds to purchase the project but doesn’t want to dip into the savings account. Why should they risk savings when they can create new funding and not deplete their cash?

     3.       A non-profit that could obtain financing but chooses to not carry additional debt. Crowdfunding is not re-paid, it’s a contribution.

     4.       Has the technical ability to execute their own donation campaign with a website already in place and a donation page already set-up. It takes time and effort to create a professionally presented campaign and perhaps the non-profit does not wish to tie up their staff and resources.

     5.       Unskilled in fund raising and needs attention and focus to set-up an online campaign and promote it regardless of available cash.

The answer really is every non-profit can use crowdfunding to achieve their goal. Do not overlook this service as another important tool to assist your non-profit customer with message signs.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 

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