Friday, October 10, 2014

Info From The Vine- Nonprofits Are Important!

The significance of nonprofit organizations in our economy and our community is not always understood by those not directly involved. Many people think of nonprofits as some unimportant group that exists in some corner of their town.
Nonprofits have one real mission- to better the world and to pay for their operations so they can continue doing it.
Nonprofits improve the world, our economy and better our communities in 3 ways:
1) Provide jobs, sometimes jobs that require great skill and expertise.
2)  Nonprofits consume goods and services, thereby helping our economy.

3) Their core benevolent work- from educating children, helping the poor, feeding people, to increasing the wisdom of the world... it would be a much more black and white existence without the work of nonprofits.
Continuing to grow, function, share, compete and sustain is a prerequisite for any non-profit and on- premise, outdoor message signs can help them.  How can they afford such a large investment? One way is through online crowdfunding.

SignVine is crowdfunding for the Sign Industry and as nonprofit organization we understand just how important nonprofits are to our communities and we help fund on-premise signs.

This blog post represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of SignVine or any other company or associated concern. If you are interested in sending me a question or have a comment, please send it to

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