Friday, October 24, 2014

Info From The Vine: One Big Crowdfunding Mistake

Signvine is crowdfunding for the Sign Industry. If you are a sign company or a sign manufacturer and your nonprofit needs help affording a message sign, call us for crowdfunding assistance. As an industry-sponsored nonprofit company ourselves, we’ve waived all fees through the end of 2014. Now, we can work for you and your customer for zero charge.

Crowdfunding is hot. You read about new funding records being set in traditional crowdfunding while equity and real estate crowdfunding are finding their way into our market dynamic. But whatever the genre of crowdfunding, it is important to avoid the one common mistake that so many campaigns make- there is no such thing as a “river of gold” and you have to promote and market your campaign before the launch, during the execution and after it's conclusion.

Here are three simple suggestions to market, market, market:
  •         Before- get the social media universe talking about your plans. Share the campaign launch date, share the concept, ask for help, and involve the organization’s supporters and the community.

  •         During- post frequent updates on social media, within the 4 walls of your organization. Set-up teams to make calls and ask for help and direct people to your webpage. Share your goal and actual monies collected- break it down into days remaining and required dollars per day.

  •         After- Thank your supporters, send out the rewards you’ve promised, and continue to talk about the installation of your message sign as the project unfolds.

If you execute your grassroots marketing plan your crowdfunding effort will bear fruit on the vine, and not wither from lack of attention. Your supporters need to care, be aware and stay involved- that’s how they became supporters originally, right? 

This blog represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion, practices, or values of SignVine or any other organization or person. If you have feedback, please email me at:

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