Monday, October 13, 2014

Info From The Vine- Linkedin

SignVine is crowdfunding for the Sign Industry. We’re in existence to help deserving nonprofits purchase message signs utilizing an online donation campaign the world calls “crowdfunding”.

These online campaigns generally do not tap into a secret “Golden Thread” linked to some mythical vast fortune of the Mayans. They still required a grassroots effort on the part of the nonprofit to entice donors to visit their SignVine campaign and make a donation. Potential donors visit the webpage, review the pros and cons of the nonprofit's storyline and make a donation.

Social media should be a powerful tool utilized by those nonprofits determined to succeed- Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Linkedin. Yes, the professional  networking site- Linkedin.

Founded in 2002, Linkedin has already changed how executive hiring functions in the American workplace and while not as glitzy and trendy as Facebook, it’s where the money is.  Many of you are reading this post on Linkedin.

Is your organization on Linkedin? It should be, because your donors are on Linkedin and they probably looking to check out your organization there as well. No Linkedin presence may mean no donor interest.

Here's who is using Linkedin:
  •  Employers (looking to hire)
  • Staff (seeking a new career opportunity)
  • Students (post graduate opportunities)
  • Facebook refugees escaping the omnipresent dancing dogs of Facebook!

Give Linkedin a shot and create meaningful and appropriate posts to discuss your online Crowdfunding campaign! Check me out- I'm there too-

This blog post represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of SignVine or any other company or associated concern. If you are interested in sending me a question or have a comment, please send it to

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