Monday, October 20, 2014

Info From The Vine- 5 Awesome Reasons to Crowdfund

You can call it “donation time”, you can call it an “ante up” event, you can call it “crowdfunding”. 

Whatever you call nonprofit’s fund raising endeavors it’s how many of them accomplish their mission.

Crowdfunding is an electronic, online way to raise funds and SignVine does this for nonprofits when then want a message sign. We are a specialized crowdfunding nonprofit that services the sign industry.

There are 5 Awesome Reasons why every non-profit should crowdfund their next message sign:

  • Why spend money you have saved? Keep that for a future need.

  • You’re going to purchase that message sign somehow, someway, someday and you’ll use a fund-raising campaign to do it. Why not make it easy on yourself with a single-point to manage the collected monies, and a place people can learn about your project with a click of a mouse 24/7?

  • You may not be able to obtain financing, and a crowdfunding effort has no repayment schedule since it’s 100% donations.

  • Why waste money on interest rate charges? We send you a check at the end of the campaign and that’s the end of our relationship until the next campaign!

  • Crowdunding does more than just collect money for your cause. It shares your story with the world (potentially) and may create brand new interest in your organization.

It’s up to you- you can bake 100 trays of brownies for that Saturday charity bake event, fire up the outdoor deep fryer for that Friday charity fish fry, or you can do it the way many organizations in 2014 raise money- crowdfunding! Think it over, no brownie crumbs, no grease to clean up and more money in your pocket with crowdfunding!
This blog post represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of SignVine or any other company or associated concern. If you are interested in sending me a question or have a comment, please send it to

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