Friday, August 15, 2014

Info from the Vine: Crowdfunding is Fundraising That is Online and Accessible

Trying to raise money used to be an endless slog through inefficiency, tedium, low return for time invested and exhaustive routines of calling and mailing for churches and other non-profit organizations.  How many bake sales can a church do, how many cookies can be sold door to door, and who wants to be known as the organization that packs extra pounds onto their supporters with doughnut sales? 

Not unlike Facebook replaced individual emails to family and friends with one post to the timeline, crowdfunding makes fundraising significantly easier with information that is consolidated onto one webpage.  The role of the organization is to direct donors to the webpage where they can review the facts, watch a video, see who has already supported the effort with their donation, and then place their own donation if they so desire.

No knocking on doors in problematic neighborhoods, no more going to the store to buy sugar and flour to make doughnuts, and no need to ever roll pennies or count nickels again. The webpage is a 24-hour a day, 7-day a week ambassador for the cause, telling a consistent story and sharing the value of the campaign.

Hallelujah for technology!

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 


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