Monday, August 11, 2014

Info From the Vine: Checkout an Awesome Kickstarter Campaign!

Crowdfunding is the process of raising funds online for a project, person, or other concern.

Crowdfunding  delivers results every day. One of the most established and successful online crowdfunding platforms to be found is

Here is a fun, actual, active, campaign that has been highly successful:

The old-school picnic cooler is about to get a modern-day facelift, complete with an 18 volt power supply a blender and a USB connection. This campaign has raised $8,500,000 against a goal of only $50,000.  That is the power of the Internet and good people trying to help a cause and participate.

Many people overly complicate the crowdfunding process. It is simply a way to “pass the hat” online, ask for support and donations by fully explaining the cause or the idea. 

Peruse the website to grasp the power of crowdfunding. It’s a simple, yet amazing process.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 


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