Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What Is SignVine?

Who Are We?
We are a nonprofit organization made up of a team of message sign professionals that started a crowdfunding website for the purpose of helping other deserving nonprofits organizations raise money for an outdoor message sign.

Why An Outdoor Message Sign?
Nonprofit organizations play a powerful role in their community. They provide beneficial services and care, but have limited resources for outreach...basically, to spread the word. 

We believe an outdoor message sign (for most nonprofits), can help tremendously. It's 24 hour on-premise advertising; proven to be the most cost effective.

Why Crowdfunding?
The Internet is a powerful tool, and this trend has grown significantly. It's an easy way for a lot of people to give a little, get involved from anywhere, and help towards a large goal. All in one spot...on the Internet.

The nonprofit organization has a webpage, a central point, that they promote and gather funds from everyone who visits and donates. And all of those visitors can share the same webpage with their friends.

Why SignVine and not the other crowdfunding sites?
We are a team of message sign professionals, and we have an internal network of reputable sign Builders ready to help these nonprofit organizations.  Plus, we continue to help throughout the campaign with tools and support until the end. Many of the other crowdfunding sites do not...and our fees are the same.

Benefits for Nonprofit Organizations:
We help them use the crowdfunding trend to rally everyone to raise money on a central website.
We help them find a reputable sign Builder to design, build, and provide an outdoor message sign.

Benefits for Sign Companies (Our Builders):
We can directly work with your nonprofit clients to raise money to close the sale.
You can become an Authorized Builder in our network and get referrals from us.

Thank You! Please follow our blog.

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