Friday, July 25, 2014

Info From the Vine- Why You Should Care About Crowdfunding

 Crowdfunding is one of the many tools that organizations and individuals can utilize to assist them in achieving some goal. Whether a non profit is trying to fund a mission to a distant country to help the poor or a 13-year old boy in Ohio is attempting to raise funds to purchase a model airplane, an online  crowdfunding application probably already exists to help.

Instead of calling 1000 people to explain why they need to donate to a cause, a single email can direct donors to review an entire project, with the click of a mouse. Crowdfunding should be considered for any fundraising attempt, personal or organizational.

Someone called crowdfunding “an online, electronic fish fry”, referencing old-school Friday evening fund raising dinner that your church might have used many years ago to raise money for their causes. However you view crowdfunding, it is a highly effective optional tool that can make dreams come true.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 

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