Monday, July 28, 2014

Info From the Vine- Why It's Called "Crowdfunding".

Crowdfunding or Crowdsourcing is the process of raising funds online for a project, person, or cause. The term "crowdsourcing" pertains to the source of funding- the contributors, the “Crowd”.  The “Crowd” are those who care about the project, person or cause and and are the ones who actually contribute.

Crowdfunding is linked to social media and social media’s communication methods such as Facebook and Twitter. Updates, requests for support, and thank you messages can be broadcast quickly to a large group of supporters. 

One of the earliest and most meaningful crowdfunding efforts in the USA, actually occurred in 1884 when Joseph Pulitzer helped raise over $100,000 in only 6 months from 125,000 backers to complete the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal. That “crowd” rallied to support the patriotic cause without the Internet but it did have the help of social media- the newspaper The New York World. 

The power of crowdfunding is found in the multiplier effect of the "crowd", even a small contribution from a broad audience can make a campaign successful.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine

Friday, July 25, 2014

Info From the Vine- Why You Should Care About Crowdfunding

 Crowdfunding is one of the many tools that organizations and individuals can utilize to assist them in achieving some goal. Whether a non profit is trying to fund a mission to a distant country to help the poor or a 13-year old boy in Ohio is attempting to raise funds to purchase a model airplane, an online  crowdfunding application probably already exists to help.

Instead of calling 1000 people to explain why they need to donate to a cause, a single email can direct donors to review an entire project, with the click of a mouse. Crowdfunding should be considered for any fundraising attempt, personal or organizational.

Someone called crowdfunding “an online, electronic fish fry”, referencing old-school Friday evening fund raising dinner that your church might have used many years ago to raise money for their causes. However you view crowdfunding, it is a highly effective optional tool that can make dreams come true.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Info From the Vine- What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding, or crowd sourcing, is the process of raising funds online for a project, person, or other concern that is of interest to a large number of people. A specialized website promotes the collection campaign with photos, videos and a storyline and announces a targeted dollar goal.

The leaders of the project simultaneously run a grass-roots promotional campaign to direct supporters to the website using conventional word-of-mouth, flyers, announcements, public service ads and social media. The crowdfunding website has a utility to capture supporter donations and the collected funds are remitted to fund to project.

It’s that simple. The crowdfunding website acts as a rallying information point for the project, posts donor comments, collects the donations and, at the end of the donation campaign, forwards the collected funds.

- Mike Prongue
  Campaign Director for the Non Profit SignVine

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What Is SignVine?

Who Are We?
We are a nonprofit organization made up of a team of message sign professionals that started a crowdfunding website for the purpose of helping other deserving nonprofits organizations raise money for an outdoor message sign.

Why An Outdoor Message Sign?
Nonprofit organizations play a powerful role in their community. They provide beneficial services and care, but have limited resources for outreach...basically, to spread the word. 

We believe an outdoor message sign (for most nonprofits), can help tremendously. It's 24 hour on-premise advertising; proven to be the most cost effective.

Why Crowdfunding?
The Internet is a powerful tool, and this trend has grown significantly. It's an easy way for a lot of people to give a little, get involved from anywhere, and help towards a large goal. All in one spot...on the Internet.

The nonprofit organization has a webpage, a central point, that they promote and gather funds from everyone who visits and donates. And all of those visitors can share the same webpage with their friends.

Why SignVine and not the other crowdfunding sites?
We are a team of message sign professionals, and we have an internal network of reputable sign Builders ready to help these nonprofit organizations.  Plus, we continue to help throughout the campaign with tools and support until the end. Many of the other crowdfunding sites do not...and our fees are the same.

Benefits for Nonprofit Organizations:
We help them use the crowdfunding trend to rally everyone to raise money on a central website.
We help them find a reputable sign Builder to design, build, and provide an outdoor message sign.

Benefits for Sign Companies (Our Builders):
We can directly work with your nonprofit clients to raise money to close the sale.
You can become an Authorized Builder in our network and get referrals from us.

Thank You! Please follow our blog.