Monday, November 17, 2014

Info From The Vine: Saint Mark UMC in Birmingham, AL Plans Launch of Campaign For LED Message Sign

"We need the sign because our church has too many events going on to advertise with banners, as the City is becoming more strict on its sign ordinances."

SignVine will announce this week a new campaign for Saint Mark United Methodist Church, located in Birmingham, AL, and will urge all those interested in supporting this effort to visit the website, watch their video, and make a donation...but more importantly, share it with everyone. The campaign should be live by the end of this week on the website.

“The church offers an outstanding Vacation Bible School, music ministries, drama, Bible lessons and crafts, and seasonal programs for preschool through elementary ages. Our nursery workers are known for their smiles and loving attention to the little ones,” Ron Gonia, a Senior Pastor, said.

Currently, the church has so many activities and so many events that trying to produce and string up a series of outside banners to communicate with the congregation is impossible. Also, the city has tightened up on their sign regulations trying to improve the appearance of the community by disallowing free-standing banners.

Saint Mark UMC has been at its Columbiana Road address for over 50 years that has served as a base for operations that are far-reaching.

SignVine is pleased to be of service to Saint Mark UMC and happy that they selected SignVine to help fund their campaign for a new LED message sign, and with a local grassroots effort to encourage their congregation and community to become involved, they will succeed.

Total project cost is over $47,000 which makes this a substantial campaign and they will have to stay focused, but the effectiveness and efficiency of their new LED sign will make life easier and more productive for them and their community.

This comprehensive sign project features a 3’x6', double-sided, full-color, remotely programmed LED sign installed in a monument along with the traditional Saint Mark United Methodist Church sign graphic, permitting, and installation. It is a handsome project that will contribute not only to the management and operation of the church but also to its branding and perception within the community.  

“Saint Mark United Methodist is located on a heavily trafficked road right outside Birmingham, AL” Justin Holland, Vice President of Sales for the sign builder, Complete Signs, said, “They serve a large community and are trying to share their love and hope with as many people as possible.”

Holland continued, “By incorporating a digital message center into their new monument sign, they are excited to see how much more effective their communication will become with both their congregation and the entire community.”

Complete Signs of Dothan, AL ( participates in the SignVine builder network. is a specialized crowdfunding website that provides churches, civic groups, and other deserving nonprofit organizations their own unique webpage for fundraising online from the local and national community towards the purchase of an outdoor message sign. They can tell their story or cause, show pictures and inspirational videos, and share updates to their online community.

SignVine is a nonprofit organization started by message sign industry professionals with the mission to empower nonprofits by helping them raise money towards an outdoor message sign for outreach in their community. For more information on SignVine, please visit their Website at or call toll-free 844-807-9720, to speak with Mike.

This blog represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion, practices, or values of SignVine or any other organization or person. If you have feedback, please email

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