Monday, November 3, 2014

Hero Spotlight- UCF Engineering Team 3-D Prints a New Arm For Alex Pring!

Just “getting through the day” can be a struggle and on some days more than tough for any kid. Certainly no one deserves to do it with only one arm!

No one can predict the randomness of biology or genetics and such a birth defect could have happened to anyone, but the truth is it did happen to six-year old Alex Pring, from the Central Florida area.  With one arm, you have to adapt and Alex did that for many years, but as he matured and became more active, the prospect of another 75 years without that arm became a problem!

Enter the student Scientists and Engineers from the University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, FL. They rode a proverbial “shining white horse” to the rescue proudly displaying the colors of altruism, technology and hope after being contacted by Alyson Pring, Alex’s Mom.

Helping people and doing “good” is not reserved for any particular industry, nationality, or faith. There are big-hearted people who make it an imperative to live their life trying to help others. One such person is Robert Manero, a Ph.D. student in Engineering at UCF and a Fullbright Scholar. 

Robert already belonged to the group e-Nable, an online group that finds solutions for prosthetic hand requirements. 

The solution- a team and a 3-D printer that was able to produce a $40,000 bionic prosthetic for around $350. Manero and his team figured out a way to build the prosthetic arm structure and make it a “Smart Arm” with sensor technology and enough battery life to make it through a typical day in Alex’s life.

Not only did they deliver this life-changing “Bionic Kid” electro-mechanical missing arm substitute but they made the design free to the public online, to be replicated by anyone with some technical ability. It does not get much better than these guys! Checkout the design at:

This remarkable design and production team from UCF also established the Limbitless Endowed Scholorship to assist future student's with similar disabilities like Alex's.

You may have heard this story few months ago as it hit the national news cycle, but it deserves an encore mention as it clearly demonstrates the power of what can happen when smart people work towards a common goal!

How can such personal efforts change individual lives and, in turn, the world? People out there are doing the right thing thanks to technological advances but also to just taking the initiative to help.

What have you done today? You can change the world too. It all starts with the first step.

This article is provided to you by SignVine, a nonprofit that specializes in helping churches, schools, clubs and other deserving nonprofits obtain message signs through online crowdfunding. Visit our Website at


This blog represents my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion, practices, or values of SignVine or any other organization or person. If you have feedback, please email I am an Alumni of the University of Central Florida and this article was inspired by a story found in their direct mailing entitled "Pegasus" that featured this awesome story.

Photographs were generously provide by Kt Crabb Photography and their website can be found at

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